Introducing Driller: Command Line Ruby based Web Crawler

Driller: RubyGem

Glad to announce Ruby based web crawler ‘Driller‘ to crawl website for error pages and slow pages.

Driller is a command line Ruby based web crawler based on Anemone. Driller can

  • Crawl website and reports error pages which are not 200 or 301. This will report all other HTTP codes.
  • Driller will report slow pages which are returned response time > 5000
  • This will create three HTML files valid_urls.html which are 200 response. broken.html wich are not 200. slow_pages.html which are retuned reaponse time > 5000

Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 21.30.03


You can download ‘Driller’ from Rubygems website here. Initials version has been just published


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

And then execute:

Or install it yourself as:

Driller takes two arguments

  • URL of the page to be crawled Depth of the crawling

If you have installed it from bundle the

This will crawl website upto level 2. You can increase depth as per your need.


This will create three HTML files valid_urls.html which are 200 response. broken.html wich are not 200. slow_pages.html which are retuned reaponse time > 5000 You an display these html files to CI server.

In command line it look like this :


 Why Driller?

Driller is based on Anemone but it has some benefits from other Ruby based crawler

  •  Driller can be used from Command line
  • Driller reports slow pages in the terminal console
  • Driller created reports in HTML files which can be configured with CI servers like Jenkins.

Source Code

You can find source code on GitHub here


Hope you will like Driller and use for checking your website error pages and slow pages.