There is a lot of excitement about Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC 2018) that kicks off next week on 4th June 2018. Unfortunately, we don’t have access to Apple’s […]
Tag: CI/CD
Switching Swift Versions inside Xcode using Toolchains
There is no doubt that Swift is amazing programming language to develop iOS apps. However, since Apple has open-sourced Swift, it is going through major breaking changes. Swift is evolving […]
Top Tips for DevOps Friendly XCTest in iOS Pipeline
Apple has introduced XCTest framework to create unit, integration, performance and UI tests for various Apple platforms. XCUITest is a sexy extension on top of XCTest which allow developers to write UI […]
Build Incrementation Techniques for iOS Release Train
Continuous Delivery of iOS apps is essential to stay relevant in the competitive market. Companies having the infrastructure to release features to the customers as soon as it developed wins […]
Adding Sauce To Xcode UI Test: XCUITest + Sauce Labs
Sauce Labs has just announced support to run XCUITests on their own device farm. They have announced the support on their official blog. As Apple’s own Xcode UI Testing framework getting […]
Podcast Interview: Automating iOS Apps in the Apple Bubble
Recently, I had the podcast interview with Joe Colantonio on the topic ‘Automating iOS Apps in the Apple Bubble‘ to discuss current trends in iOS Test Automation and iOS DevOps space. […]
Securing iOS Certificates using Modern Cryptography
Every iOS app requires a certificate from Apple to publish apps to the App Store. The certificates are required to code sign iOS apps. Apple usually offers development certificate to […]
Five Options for iOS Continuous Delivery without Fastlane
Fastlane tools automate entire iOS CI/CD pipelines and allow us to keep an iOS infrastructure as code. Fastlane is set of tools to automate almost everything from analyzing, building, testing, […]
New Fastlane Plugin to Upload iOS binary with altool
Apple doesn’t want us to enable continuous deployment for whatever reason. There is no API to deal with iTunes Connects and Apple still wants to approve your apps. Apple’s own […]
5 Tools for Uploading iOS apps to iTunes Connect
iOS applications don’t go to iTunes Connect easily, it takes blood, sweat and tears of engineers with them. It involves various complex task before app hits iTunes Connect. Surely, every iOS […]