Yard Cucumber
Living documentation is very essential when working in the collaborative way with technology and business people. Behaviour Driven Development [BDD]methodology enforces communication between business and technology. Any Documentation with nice web interface can be easily understood by the business people.
There are some tools like Relish(@relishapp) where you can host your living documentation but Yard-Cucumber is the nice and cool interface to host your living documentation locally.
The Yard-Cucumber is a RubyGem that creates documentation. The Yard-Cucumber is the cool and free solution to generate documentation locally. This plugin is developed by Frank Webber. Previously “Yard” can generate documentation with Class List, Method List and Tag List and README file but Yard-Cucumber add things like ‘Features’ and ‘Step-Definitions’.
Using Yard-Cucumber
I assume, you are using latest version of Ruby. Here is Ruby 2.0.0. In your existing Cucumber project, Just install Yard-Cucumber Gem. You may need ‘redcarpet’
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$ gem install yard-cucumber $ gem install redcarpet |
Or in your Gemfile. Add the following Gems you don’t have already
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gem "yard-cucumber" gem "redcarpet" |
Now, install bundler with to use those Gems
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$ bundle install |
Now you are good to use Yard-Cucumber.
Now, Let’s configure Yard Cucumber. Just run following commands from your project
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$ mkdir ~/.yard $ yard config load_plugins true $ yardoc 'example/**/*.rb' 'example/**/*.feature' |
Now, Let’s use inbuilt Rake Task to run Yard-Cucumber. If you don’t have rake then install it.
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$ gem install rake |
Let’s create a Rake task in the Rakefile
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require 'yard' YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new(:yard) do |t| t.files = ['features/**/*.feature', 'features/**/*.rb'] end |
Now we have success fully configured Yard-Cucumber in our project.
Use Yard-Cucumber
Let’s use Yard-Cucumber with our rake task.
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$ bundle exec rake yard |
This will create a all documentation in the ‘/doc’ direcory. Now you will have .yarddoc and ‘doc’ directory in your project.
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$ ls -a .git Gemfile README.md browser.json doc report.html .bundle .yardoc Gemfile.lock Rakefile cucumber.yml features report2.html $ open doc/index.html |
My iTerm window look like this:
How Documentation will Look Like?
This documentation contains list of all Features, Classes, Tags and Methods. It’s very handy to toggle between Features, Tags and Classes Or Methods.
It looks like this for example project:
Source-Code on GitHub
There is a example project available on my GitHub account. Cuke_Experiment
You can Clone and Try it
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$ git clone https://github.com/Shashikant86/Cuke_Experiment $ cd Cuke_Experiment $ rvm use 2.0.0 $ bundle install $ bundle exec rake yard |
Enjoy Living Documentation and Share it with your Team. !