BDDfire2.0.1 + REST API Testing
Glad to announce support for the API testing to BDDfire as we can now use pre-defined steps to perform API testing using combination of Cucumber and RestClient. BDDFire is a wholesale Ruby-Cucumber framework where you can setup Web, Mobile, Accessibility, Load, Performance and now REST API testing.
BDDfire + RestClient
BDDfire uses RestClient to perform HTTP requests to URI and check response. We can use it for checking JSON and XML response.
There are following pre-defined steps we can use to check JSON response.
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Given I send a GET request for "<your_uri>" Given I send a GET/PUT/POST/DELETE request for "<your_uri>" with the following: """ <your_payload> """ Then the response should be JSON Then the response status code should be '200' Then the JSON response should have '<number_of_properties>' properties Then the JSON response has a "<id_of_property>" property Then the JSON "<id_of_property>" property equals "<value_of_property>" Then the JSON response header has key "<header_name>" with value of "<header_name>" Then /^the JSON response should be: """ <your_json> """ |
There are few to check XML response as well
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Given I send a GET request for "" Then the XML response should have "" with text "" Then the response status code should be '200' |
Here is how you can get API tests up and running in few minutes with BDDfire. Fire up your terminal/iTerm and execute following commands to get the project setup
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$ gem install bddfire $ bddfire fire_cucumber $ cd cucumber $ bundle install |
Now that you have all the project setup and you should have project like this :
You can see that there is a example feature located ‘features/api.feature’ which tests for the GitHub Api. We can write a similar cucumber scenarios/steps for our own application. Now we can run to run this api tests.
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$ bundle exec rake api |
Here is how we can execute our REST API test
Additional Config
On top of pre-defined API Steps, you can use full power of RestClient to configure your API environment with
- Certificates
- Proxy
- Username and Password Credentials.
Please have a look at README file for the RestClient and we can achieve anything we want.
Additionally, I haven’t tested XML response well so feel free to create issue on BDDfire GitHub
HAPPY BDD and HAPPY RESTFul Testing !!