My Guest Post
I am extremely happy to see my guest post on Eurostar blog called “Top Tips for the BDD Tester” has been most read article on the Eurostar Conference. Eurostar Conferences is a one of the biggest software testing community in the Europe [@esconfs] and providing quality resources for the software test engineers. I am proud that my post published in Nov 2012 has became most read blog article.
Why Should You Read This Post
It’s very important for everyone in the agile development team to understand their role. The agile development methodologies like Behaviour Driven Development becoming so popular and role of test engineer changing dramatically.
This post explains the role of test engineer in the Behaviour Driven Development projects. BDD bridges communication gap between technology and business. I believe, you should understand role of test engineer in the BDD projects by reading this post.
Thank You All
I would like to thank everyone who helped me while writing this post. I am passionated about BDD and in the near future, I will try my best to write useful and informative content regarding BDD.
Again here is the link to that popular post : Top Tips for the BDD tester
Stay Tuned for more BDD stuff !!