Recently, I have spoken at iOSConBytes meetup, SkillsMatter, London on Full Stack BDD inside Xcode with use of XCFit framework. This talk covered live demo of following things
- Building a sample iOS app using Protocol Oriented BDD approach
- Mapping BDD Scenarios with Swift
- Setting up BDD target with XCFit Protocol Oriented BDD Xcode Template
- Writing Protocols for requirements
- Writing Step Definitions using Swift Extensions and XCUITest API
- Driving Development from Scenarios and Making our BDD Scenario Pass
Video of Talk & Live Coding
There is video available on SkillsMatter website. You can watch video here Or click on the image below.
The slides of the talks are available on SlideShare
- Blog Articles on Protocol Oriented BDD
— Protocol Oriented BDD Part 1
— Protocol Oriented BDD part 2
- GitHub
— XCFit