BDDfire BDDfire allows us to setup Ruby Cucumber framework within a minute with all related toolkit. It became very popular as it gives us ability to setup Ruby-Cucumber framework without wasting […]
Category: BDD
The post related to Behaviour Driven Development are catogorised into it. It may be regading behat, mink, Cucumber, Selenium. BDD
Plug your Jasmine BDD Specs with Grunt
Jasmine Jasmine is a Behaviour Driven Development tool for the JavaScript. It’s an awesome idea to get our JavaScript unit tested with Jasmine. You can read more about how Jasmine […]
BrowserMob-CLI : Ruby library to generate HAR from command line
Introducing BrowserMob-CLI Recently, I wrote BrowserMob-CLI ruby gem which allows us to generate HAR files from command line. This will preview HAR files in the Browser as well as parse it […]
Docker Compose Cucumber for Cross-Browser Testing
Docker-Compose Docker is the trending tool in the recent days which allows us to run multiple lightweight containers to perform various task. Just in case, you haven’t got docker please […]
Dockerizing Cucumber-BDD and Ruby Friends
Docker Docker is becoming incredibly popular in the recent days. Docker containers are lightweight and can be launched as required. Well, this post is about provisioning Cucumber-Capybara BDD framework inside docker […]
Faster BDD: Parallelising Cucumber and re-running failed scenarios
Parallelising Cucumber The ‘parallel_test‘ is a awesome rubygem to speedup your Rspec, Cucumber and Test Unit scenarios. Parallel _test also allows us to run Cucumber into different process and speedup […]
Setting up Headless Travis CI build with Cucumber+Capybara+Poltergeist
Travis CI Travis CI is a continuous integration service for the open source projects hosted on GitHub. You can login into TravisCI with your existing GitHub account. Travis CI build […]
Adventures with iOS Automation using Appium on OSX and iOS
Appium on OSX Yosemite OSX Yosemite is going to be released soon with Xcode 6 and iOS8 support. I have installed latest public beta version of the OSX Yosemite. Just […]
BDDfire : An Instant Ruby-Cucumber BDD Framework
BDDfire I am glad to announce ‘BDDfire‘ : An instant Ruby-Cucumber BDD framework which supports various popular open-source libraries like Capybara, Selenium-WebDriver, Poltergeist, Relish, Cuke_sniffer, Rubocop, Appium, Saucelabs, Browserstack etc […]
RESTful API Testing with Behat and Guzzle
Behat and Guzzle Behat is a behaviour driven development framework for the PHP application. Behat can be used for acceptance testing and api testing. Guzzle is PHP HTTP client to […]