Apple has just released Xcode 9 with loads of new features including refactoring support. You can checkout full list of feature on Apple’s documentation What’s New in Xcode 9 but in summary […]
Category: BDD
The post related to Behaviour Driven Development are catogorised into it. It may be regading behat, mink, Cucumber, Selenium. BDD
Video: Live Demo Protocol Oriented BDD in Swift for iOS Apps
Recently, I have spoken at iOSConBytes meetup, SkillsMatter, London on Full Stack BDD inside Xcode with use of XCFit framework. This talk covered live demo of following things Building a sample iOS app […]
Introducing Protocol-Oriented BDD in Swift for iOS Apps
Swift is truly protocol-oriented language. Since introduced in WWDC 2014 and open sourced in December 2015, it become one of the popular language for developing iOS application. You can watch this WWDC […]
XCBlog on Apple News
Apple announced Apple News recently, to read interesting stories and share them with world. Apple news is currently available in USA, UK and Australia. I am glad to announce that my personal […]
XCFit 4 released : Swift 3.1, Carthage and Pre-defined BDD Steps Support
XCFit is full stack iOS BDD framework in Xcode. XCFit setup Xcode templates with skeleton code and directory structures which helps us to get started with BDD and XCFit Swift […]
Fire up BDD inside Docker with Cucumber and BDDfire
The key benefits of Behavior-Driven-Development (BDD) practices are communication enhancement and customer satisfaction. You can read more on that by Dan North and Gojko Adzic. Perhaps the biggest practical challenge that stands in […]
Adding Homebrew Support to XCFit Framework
Glad to announce that XCFit is available to download from Homebrew package manager. XCFit a.k.a (XCUI, Cucumberish and Fitnesse Integrations Tests) is a full stack Xcode BDD framework for Swift iOS apps. XCFit creates automated Xcode templates which […]
BDD with Xcode 8, Swift 3, Cucumberish and XCFit on macOS Sierra
macOS Sierra, Xcode 8 and Swift3 Apple has just released macOS Sierra public beta in the UK and we couldn’t wait to see new features of macOS Sierra and Xcode […]
XCFit : Full Stack BDD for iOS/macOS Apps with Swift using XCUI, Cucumberish and Fitnesse
XCFit Today, I am glad to announce “XCFit Framework” which can be used to enable BDD for iOS and macOS apps using Apple’s brand new programming language Swift and […]
Instant Testing of RESTful API with BDDfire and Cucumber
BDDfire2.0.1 + REST API Testing Glad to announce support for the API testing to BDDfire as we can now use pre-defined steps to perform API testing using combination of Cucumber […]